2 rows of black and white aerial photographic prints. The prints are curled revealing their white undersides.

Collections during preparation for digitisation.
All images are carefully cleaned and flattened before scanning.

Products & Services

Our modern facility was opened in 2020 for the specialised purpose of managing, digitising and processing millions of historic aerial images with complex collections care needs.

In this section

A black and white aerial photo of a very heavily bombed area of land. What land is visible is dark grey, and almost obscured with numerous white bomb craters. A road can be seen running from the bottom left corner to the top right.

Scan on Demand Services

Order images from the NCAP Collection which have not yet been digitised and made available on the Air Photo Finder.

A figure in a white and black jumper leans in from the bottom left of the frame. The top of their head and the whole tabletop that is in front of them are visible from our vantage above. There are two black and white images of landscapes on the table top. The figure is wearing white gloves and appears to be positioning the images under a beige viewing apparatus which has two transparent viewing lenses. There are two cardboard boxes of images on the tabletop - one with more black and white images piled in it, and another with a white sheet in it.

Image Sales and Licensing Use

When using images from the NCAP Collection you will need to know the intended use in order to purchase an appropriate licence.

A figure in a dark blue lab coat stands with their right side to us. They are wearing purple gloves, and a black and white mask. They have their arms stretched into a desk top cabinet which has transparent plastic front and sides, and a white frame. A vacuum cleaner hose feeds into the cabinet. The figure grasps a brush and holds up an image to examine it. There are other pictures and boxes in the cabinet.

Subject Specialist Consultancy

NCAP employs specialists in imagery analysis, data management, and collections care. Specialist support consultancy is offered in a variety of areas.

A row of black and white aerial photographs fills most of the frame. We can see the central image fully, but the ones on either side are partially cropped by the image frame. They are lying flat and appear to be joined together. Irregularly shaped fields and roadways are visible on the images.

Research Copies

For images that are not yet digitised, purchases can be made with confidence by requesting a lower-resolution copy of an image before you place a Scan on Demand order.

A figure in a black jumper leans into the frame from the far right. They lean on a tabletop and are holding a computer mouse. On the desk there is a screen with a colour aerial photograph displayed on it. There is also a black, cylindrical canister which has white labels on it, and a document lying on the table.

Paid Image Searches

If you are not familiar with navigating non-digitised collections or if you are short on time, NCAP provides a convenient solution.

A figure leans into the frame from the left. They have short blonde hair and wear a dark blue top. They have their back towards us, and are working with a large white boxy machine with a display screen. Under the screen a film runs between two spools. The image on the screen is of a monotone landscape. A colour aerial image is displayed on the wall and is partially obscured by the screen.

Search Room

Request to make an appointment in the NCAP Search Room to access and consult catalogued aerial imagery.

View Already Digitised Collections

Use our mapping tools to zoom into areas of interest and explore tens of thousands of images.